Monday, November 07, 2005

Nikki and Jackson

I just had to very belatedly share some pictures from this most moving and beautiful wedding of two brilliant and very dear friends of mine, Nikki Mazzia (my first college roommate!) and Jackson ("Scholar and Adventuror" as his stepfather aptly dubbed him) Frishman. What a glorious experience it was, and I am thrilled for both of you. And how wonderful it was to catch up with the superior beings I am proud to call my frends: Katie, Billy, Kat, Chris, Tommy, Marcie, Ann, Juliana, Jen, and the various parental units, fiances, and significant others who came attached. Na Zdorovye!


cube said...

I mean no disrespect to your friends, but what is up with the technicolor coats?

Larissa said...

Those are Uzbeki wedding robes, found at this year's Santa Fe Indian Market by Jackson (the groom).

jack said...

It was the International Folk Market, actually. If anyone cares.

Larissa said...

Oh. My bad!